Пятая международная конференция по инженерной геофизике (ICEG). 21-24 октября 2019 | Аль-Айн, ОАЭ
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  5. Пятая международная конференция по инженерной геофизике (ICEG). 21-24 октября 2019 | Аль-Айн, ОАЭ

Пятая международная конференция по инженерной геофизике (ICEG). 21-24 октября 2019 | Аль-Айн, ОАЭ

17.06.2019 Просмотров: 10538

Technical Program


The United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and Al Ain City Municipality (AAM), in partnership with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), are proud to announce the fifth edition of the International Conference on Engineering Geophysics (ICEG). This edition will take place 21–24 October 2019 on the grounds of the UAEU in the Conference Auditorium of the Crescent Building.

The success of the first four editions of the ICEG was reflected by the number of participants and the great interest and positive feedback from both local authorities and the international geo-community working with geophysical methods applied to engineering, environmental, archaeological, geotechnical, and forensic problems. Overwhelming encouragement from this community led to the fifth edition and a decision to expand the fields of interest to a wider range of near surface-related specialties including: groundwater, time-lapse, security, seismicity, and geothermal. Beyond this 2019 event, this world-class series will permit sharing of the event with other regional partners that have equivalent enthusiasm for the application of geophysics to near-surface problems.

The United Arab Emirates is building a sustainable, balanced, and diversified economy to ensure stability and prosperity with innovation and excellence as priorities. This conference has been designed and operated with those attributes and guidelines as drivers. These priorities speak to social responsibility and strongly signal the need for effective and technically sound engineering geophysics supporting regional growth. Therefore, the conscientious and rigorous application of engineering geophysics has become mandatory prior to approval of any construction project in Abu Dhabi Emirate.

The objectives of the ICEG 2019 will concentrate on global innovation, creativity, advances, and new approaches in the field of engineering/environmental geophysics and related fields. In addition to the core engineering/environmental and geotechnical focuses of this coming event, special sessions in related applications of archaeology, energy and forensic geophysics will be included. Furthermore, international experts at the very cutting edge of their disciplines will deliver keynote presentations on their latest research, experiences, future goals for engineering/environmental geophysics, and raising public awareness on the critical role of near-surface geophysics.

Technical Topics

  • Engineering geophysical methods
  • Near-surface geophysics to improve exploration geophysics (e.g. characterizing dunes)
  • Time-lapse monitoring
  • Unmanned geophysical survey (robotic/UAV)
  • Advanced geophysical tomographic methods
  • Anomaly delineation and classification
  • Method integration/joint inversion
  • Geohazards (natural & man-made)
  • Groundwater/hydrogeophysics (frack water, contamination, injection-induced seismicity)
  • Archaeology/archaeogeophysics
  • Geothermal and underground storage: geophysical exploration and monitoring
  • Soil characterization & pavement geoengineering
  • Geotechnical: geophysical determination of properties and parameters
  • Environmental radioactivity and remediation methods
  • Machine learning/AI in near surface characterization, information value

Opening Address

H.E. Suhail Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Industry

Technical Keynote Speakers

  • Hitoshi Mikada, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Jianghai Xia, School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, China
  • John Bradford, Colorado School of Mines, United States of America
  • Maxim Smirnov, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • Rick Miller, Kansas Geological Survey, United States of America
  • Zhongbo Yu, Hohai University, Nanjing, China

Invited Speakers

  • Carlos Santamarina, King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia
  • Eileen Martin, Virginia Tech, United States of America
  • Haijiang Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China
  • Jingtian Tang (Zhenyong Ren), Central South University, China
  • Jong-Sub Lee, Korea University, S. Korea
  • Jun Matsushima, University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Kenji Tanaka , Kyoto University, Japan
  • Mats Svensson, Tyréns AB, Sweden
  • Mohamed Djeddi, FSTGAT-Universite des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedine, Algeria
  • Peng Yi, Hohai University, China
  • Sebastiano Foti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Takeshi Tsuji, Earth Resource Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Tetsuya Sumi, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Torleif Dahlin, Lund University, Sweden
  • Whitney Trainor-Guitton, Colorado School of Mines, USA

Distinguished Speakers

  • Abdulrahman Alghamdi, KACST, Saudi Arabia
  • Andreas Pfaffhuber, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
  • Andre Pugin, Natural Resources Canada, Canada
  • Binzhong Zhou, CSIRO, Australia
  • Cameron Walker, Walker Marine Geophysical Company, LLC , USA
  • Changchun Yin, Jilin University, China
  • Choon-Byong Park, Park Seismic LLC, USA
  • Daniele Colombo, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
  • Elita Li, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Gang Tian, Zhejiang University, China
  • Kinzo Kishida, Neubrex, Co. Ltd, Japan
  • Luis Gallardo, Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Mexico
  • Niels Grobbe, University of Hawaii, USA
  • Peifen Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Sixin Liu, Jilin University, China
  • Tariq Alkhalifah, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
  • Tatsunori Ikeda, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Kyushu University, Japan

Technical Committee


  • Haydar Baker - UAEU
  • Rick Miller - Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, USA


  • Ala Aldahan, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Aman Mwafy, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Chih-Ping Lin, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
  • Christopher Leech, Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd. Bedfordshire, UK
  • Hakim Saibi, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Hitoshi Mikada, Dept Civil and Earth Res. Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan 
  • Jianghi Xia, China University of Geosciences, China
  • John Bradford, Geophysics Department Head, Colorado School of Mines, USA
  • John Lane, Hydrogeophysics Branch, Earth System Processes Div, US Geological Survey, USA
  • Julian Ivanov, Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, USA
  • Khalid Al-Bloushi, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Naif B. Alqahtani, National Center for Oil and Gas Technology | KACST, Saudi Arabia
  • Nils Ryden, Lund University, Sweden and KTH Royal Institute of Technolog, Stockholm, Sweden 
  • Steve Sloan, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, USA